Saturday, October 16, 2010

Did I Send the Pages?

Last Sunday, late in the evening, I finally stopped tinkering with the first 30 pages of my manuscript and sent them to the literary assistant, Anita Mumm, at Nelson Literary Agency. Anita said at our meeting at the writers’ conference that it could take up to two months to hear back, and I’m okay with that. I'm trying to decide what a literary assistant is - I suppose she's the keeper of the circular file, culling the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. I'm curious about when the agent will actually step into the process.

People are encouraging me to submit my query letter to whatever agents I can locate that represent memoir. How do I do that? I'll go online, of course. I learned from the conference just how necessary it is to approach only agents that deal with my genre. To do otherwise is a waste of time - theirs and mine. So, that's what I'm going to do.

Something I learned while getting the first 30 pages ready is that I want another opportunity to go back over the rest of the book. Editing those pages helped me see places that could use some work - so I'm going to take this opportunity to do that, and send out the query letter.  I've let enough time pass now since looking at the manuscript that it will be fresh for me - and I think that'll be good.

I'll be back.

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