Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Got My Wish

It’s been a long silence from my corner of the world, and I’m sorry for that. Some of you know that I’m dealing with a health issue. Tomorrow I see a specialist and I’m hoping to get my surgery scheduled. I won’t go into details, it’s a girly sort of thing, but it does make me pretty uncomfortable and tired, and I'm ready to get it taken care of.  Thanks for staying with me.

Tonight I was saying to my writer’s group that I’m almost hoping the agency will send a rejection so that I can rewrite my book.

I thought I was finished, ready to submit. But lately I’ve been given good advice about how to open my story. I’ve reworked it and the response at group tonight was positive. I like it better myself. I have other ideas for integrating some of the memories from the first chapter into later chapters. I’d thought about it before – pushing the memories into the storyline instead of starting with them. I thought I was explaining how it felt to grow up adopted, but now I see that they need to be memories that come up now and then.

I’ve also found a new voice. Not so pedantic – more personal.

So, with all that said; I got my wish tonight. I checked my email and there was the response. They sent a generic note: thank you so much for submitting…. After a careful reading…sorry to say that we don’t believe this project is right for our agency… The business of publishing is subjective…opinions vary widely…  They recommend that I submit to other agents. “After all, it just takes one “yes” to find the right match.” And they wish me good luck.

But what I really appreciate is the added note: “There is some lovely writing here and the search for one's natural parents is an important story. Ultimately memoirs are tough and we'd have to love something 100% to take one on. We aren't the right champions for this story. We are so sorry not to have better news for you. Good luck with this project.”

I am encouraged.

And I realized something else. Am I being too picky about the “natural” parents reference? We don’t call them “natural,” for that would make our adoptive parents “unnatural.” Just a bit of adoption humor. I guess I actually do care if my representatives are sensitive to adoption life… 

I’ll think on that awhile.

I feel a little happy dance coming on. I did it. I submitted. I was rejected. And now I take my place among the legions of writers who did it too, and were ultimately successful.

Lots to do. Be back soon.


  1. Congratulations, Carrie! Another huge step taken toward publication. You are learning so much and your rewrite will be an even stronger book. What great comments! Take those to heart and know that you are just a few steps away from a "Yes!"

  2. Carrie, this is wonderful. Ditto what Deb said.

    Also, when writing my first book; a memoir, my agent wanted changes made, and then the editor I was working with asked for more changes before the book went to publication. In the end it was a stronger book and we were all much happier with the outcome.

    Holding you in the light while rewriting and searching for the right home for your memoir.

